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Duke and UNC introduction to Evidence-Based Practice tutorial

Posted on 8th January 2014 by

Learning Resources
doctors talking about evidence-based practice

This tutorial from Duke and the University of North Carolina provides a really thorough introduction to EBM, and includes several practice cases.

I think this tutorial is aimed at anyone who is interested in evidence-based practice, but its methodical step-by-step approach makes it ideal for students or doctors who are new to EBHC or aren’t that comfortable with it and would benefit from a refresher. They suggest that the tutorial and one case should take about an hour.

The layout is of a series of pages to work through, starting with, “What is EBP (evidence-based practice)?” and moving through building clinical questions (PICO), which study is best for which question, literature searching and resources, appraisal, application of results,

This tutorial is great for defining and understanding some of the key terms and principles underlying EBM, and if you have time on your hands is a good one to work through with a clinical question of your own, but isn’t an instant fix. Another real strength of this tutorial is that is does not solely focus on intervention studies but also looks at diagnostic and prognostic studies.




Alice Buchan

I'm Alice, a fifth year medical student at the University of Oxford. I did my 'intercalated year' focusing on immunology. At the moment, my particular interests are in immunology, reproductive biology, and obstetrics. View more posts from Alice

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