Evidence-based medicine: spreading the word
Posted on 6th October 2016 by Lynda Ware
In the fifth blog of our new series, Understanding Evidence, Lynda Ware gives us a flavour of how she’s taking Cochrane and evidence-based medicine to Community Halls. Join in the conversation on Twitter @CochraneUK #understandingevidence.
Next Thursday I shall be facing 150 indomitable ladies of the Oxfordshire Federation of Womens Institutes. I shall be auditioning, alongside seven others, for an entry in their current year book of approved speakers. Britain’s Got Talent in Stonesfield!
Why am I doing this? Why indeed…
A year ago, Martin Burton, Director of Cochrane UK, asked me to put together a talk on Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) to take to non-medical audiences. As a GP principal with over thirty years’ experience, explaining medical concepts in a clear, simple and understandable way should be something I could do standing on my head – and of course I can (well, not the headstand bit…)
It has, in fact, been great fun and an enormous pleasure putting the session together and then going out to various groups in the local community.
My talk starts with a definition Evidence-Based Medicine and I then place EBM in an historical context with a rapid overview of medical research from King Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel, through Avicenna to James Lind and finally Archie Cochrane.
The forest plot of the iconic 1990 systematic review on the effects of corticosteroids prescribed to women in premature labour, which is used as part of the Cochrane logo, gives me an opportunity to introduce Cochrane and to present the first of several examples as to how EBM impacts on medical practice today and on the lives of all of us.
No talk on EBM would be complete without some enticing newspaper headlines; and there are plenty to choose from!
I end with a list of reliable websites that give measured evidence-based information on health-related issues.
So far, I have talked to WI groups, Oxford Rotary and in various village halls. I will soon meet with Oxford University of the Third Age. At the beginning of November Cochrane has been invited to a local secondary school to give a presentation to a group of students from years 11,12 and 13. The message will be the same but the way it is delivered will need to be relevant and accessible to a younger audience. We are really hoping that this proves successful and we can make contact with other schools in the county.
All in all, it has been an interesting and worthwhile project with lovely, appreciative audiences and positive feedback. The content of my talk continues to evolve – but, of course, regular updates are what EBM is all about!
Wish me luck on Thursday!