EBM Resources: The KT Clearing House Tools
Posted on 29th April 2013 by Henry Greenslade

Unfortunately this resources is no longer available. You may want to look at this resource instead, which provides a wealth of information: https://ebm-tools.knowledgetranslation.net/.
This is a website made by the Canadian Institute of Health Research, which has developed a mini-database of tools for “Knowledge Translation” – implementing good evidence into practice. They have sections depending on what type of evidence you are after, primarily linking to the major databases (Pubmed, The Cochrane Library) but also useful tools for developing guidelines and systematic reviews.
Who is this aimed at?
I think primarily this is aimed towards healthcare staff and academics, who might be conducting reviews or looking for ways to implement evidence in practice. However, it is a good, broad list of resources that anyone can use to gather information, whilst many will probably be aware of the Cochrane Library/PubMed, there are a few more databases that are less well known but may better suit your needs. If there are any budding review authors I think this would be a good website to get an understanding of the review process.
Time taken?
I think this a website you would pop into to get a link for a specific website, as it’s more a collection of links than a resource itself
Student Opinion:
The website has a good collection of links, especially helpful if you’re interested in systematic reviews, as well as looking at both primary studies and the papers critiquing them.
[1] KT Tools [Internet]. KT Clearing House, Canadian Institute of Health Research; [cited 29 April 2013]. No longer available.