Slideshow on “The growing prominence of Cochrane reviews in evidence-based resources”
Posted on 3rd June 2013 by Alice Buchan

This slideshow can be downloaded from the Evidence Based Medicine (a journal devoted to Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), with a focus on primary care and internal medicine – full of great articles for EBM fans) website here [1]. This slideshow was put together by Cindy Walker-Dilks and Brian Haynes, and provides a brief overview of the growing prominence of Cochrane reviews in EBM.
This is primarily aimed at doctors with an interest in EBM – particularly in the fields of primary care and internal medicine, since this is the focus of the journal. I also think that this, and other resources from the EBM journal would be useful to medical students and anyone else with an interest in EBM.
It’s a slideshow, presumably from a talk on EBM, which has some nice graphs and statistics on the role of Cochrane and other reviews in EBM. It has a few slides that would probably be especially useful to anyone new to EBM, detailing the purposes EBM can be put to, and gives a very brief overview of what makes systematic reviews of the literature different to reviews of other types.
My Opinion:
Unfortunately, this suffers from lacking the accompanying talk, which would make the slides and information presented far clearer. It does give some idea of what in instances a Cochrane review may be useful, and some idea as to the rigorous nature of the process.
Walker-Dilks C & Haynes B. The Growing Prominence of Cochrane Systematic Reviews in Evidence-Based Resources. Talk given in October 2004. Slides available at:
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