Is a change in education needed?
Posted on 2nd December 2013 by Desiree van Oorschot

Please have a look at this inspiring video about “changing education paradigms”, made by The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) in 2010. Our institution (Radboud UMC, Nijmegen, The Netherlands) is currently developing new curricula for both Medicine and Biomedical Sciences that abide by these innovative principles.
The video shows that we can change education to render it more sustainable in the 21st century. Teachers share their knowledge and coach students on their way to becoming responsible and life-long learning professionals. I feel this video ought to be watched by students all around the world since they might benefit and it inspire them!
Students should be stimulated to take care of their own development, become self-regulatory learners. Students 4 Best Evidence is an international community of and for students interested in evidence-based health care. We will learn from one another, not only about evidence-based health care, but also regarding personal skills like critical thinking, creativity, and inventiveness. Wouldn’t it be great if we as Students 4 Best Evidence could provide information that can be used for educational purposes? We, as students, are ready to make the change!
Let’s share our best educational experiences. Who has been educated in line with the philosophy that is advocated in the video already? Who would like to be educated in this way? Do you think we can make a start within Students 4 Best Evidence?
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