Understanding Evidence
Posted on 3rd October 2016 by Selena Ryan-Vig

We all need to be able to make sense of evidence, whether we’re making decisions about treatments, or weighing up the latest health story to hit the headlines. We’re partnering with Cochrane UK to put the spotlight on common errors and misunderstandings with a new campaign, Understanding Evidence.
We want to bring together the ideas that underpin the way we think about evidence. We want to share resources and initiatives that can help with making sense of evidence, and we want to highlight opportunities to get involved with others with an interest in evidence.
Understanding Evidence launches with a special week of blogs from 4th October 2016 and ongoing blogs and content thereafter, all curated by Cochrane UK, Students 4 Best Evidence and other partners using #UnderstandingEvidence. Please join us on social media, share your ideas, and help us make sure that we challenge claims and think critically.
Please share blogs and blogshots from this series using #UnderstandingEvidence and don’t forgot to tag us @Students4BE and @CochraneUK
Find all the blogs from the series on Students 4 Best Evidence and/or on Evidently Cochrane
Unlike the rest of the content on Students Best Evidence, not all of the campaigns in this series will be written by students. However, we think it’s still important to publish this campaign on this website, as understanding evidence is at the heart of what Students 4 Best Evidence is about.
Find all the blogshots from the series stored in Cochrane UK’s blogshot archive.
Campaign communications mailing list
Cochrane UK runs four campaigns a year. Join their campaigns mailing list to recieve all campaign content to share with your networks. Emails will only be sent out just before each campiagn is launched.
To sign up, click here.