Announcing the winners of our symposium competition for students!
Posted on 20th February 2017 by Selena Ryan-Vig

Each year, Cochrane UK organize an annual symposium for all of their networks, including UK- and Ireland-based Cochrane contributors, researchers, health professionals, students, charities, patient advocates, and other interested groups.
The 2017 symposium will take place at Keble College, Oxford on the 14th and 15th March 2017. The theme is ‘Cochrane: Through the Looking Glass’.
This year Cochrane UK with Students 4 Best Evidence held a competition for students to win free registration to the symposium, plus accommodation and travel expenses. The task was to imagine that you are a journalist and write an article to inform your readers about a recent Cochrane Review.
Congratulations to our joint winners:
Anahita Sharma – 4th year medical student, University of Manchester. Her entry was “Taking vitamin supplements during pregnancy does not prevent miscarriages and stillbirths, research reveals”. Cochrane Review selected: Vitamin Supplementation for preventing miscarriage. Read Anahita’s blog here.
Chloe Knox – 4th year Medical student, Brighton and Sussex Medical School. For her was “Can E-Cigarettes Help You To Quit Smoking?” . Cochrane Review selected: Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation. Read Chloe’s blog here.
Congratulations to our runner-up:
Beverley Beynon-Cobb – a NIHR/HEE Masters by Research Student, at Coventry University. Her entry was “Chewing gum could be the key to a timely discharge home for mothers giving birth by caesarean section”. Cochrane Review selected: Chewing gum for enhancing early recovery of bowel function after caesarean section Read Beverley’s blog here.
Special thanks to Living Meta-Analysis for sponsoring this competition.