Join the MedLit Blitz
Join Cochrane Crowd, their partner Mark2Cure and their collective global volunteer network for an online MedLit Blitz, May 9th-12th.
Join Cochrane Crowd, their partner Mark2Cure and their collective global volunteer network for an online MedLit Blitz, May 9th-12th.
Cochrane Crowd, Cochrane’s new citizen science platform, recently ran a successful 48 hour citation screening challenge to reach the goal of 1 million research citations screened. The Cochrane Crowd team have provided this overview of the event.
Register to become an S4BE Contributor
Another 20 minute tutorial from Tim.
The nuts and bolts 20 minute tutorial from Tim.
This new webpage from Cochrane UK is aimed at students of all ages. What is evidence-based practice? What is ‘best available research evidence’? Which resources will help you understand evidence and evidence-based practice, and search for evidence?