Why was the CONSORT Statement introduced?
The CONSORT statement aims at comprehensive and complete reporting of randomized controlled trials. This blog introduces you to the statement and why it is an important tool in the research world.
The CONSORT statement aims at comprehensive and complete reporting of randomized controlled trials. This blog introduces you to the statement and why it is an important tool in the research world.
This blog discusses the issue of assessing ‘quality’ in research, both methodological and reporting quality. Jenni, the blog author, also points readers towards a paper she has co-authored: ‘Using quality assessment tools to critically appraise ageing research: a guide for clinicians’.
You are sat down with an article or review. Now you want to critically appraise it. This blog features a checklist of 20 questions to allow you to do just that.
A checklist to help you systematically appraise and understand diagnostic test studies.
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