Understanding evidence-based healthcare: a foundation for action course for physicians
Posted on 15th January 2013 by Andrew Harper

This course was designed for doctors and students and is successful in explaining the basics of evidence-based practice.
Pre and post lecture surveys, with 2 lectures (18 and 12 minutes) explaining the necessary steps to EBM.
Course Objectives:
Our goals in this course are to provide participants with the tools they need to:
- Successfully navigate the world of medical information,
- Critically appraise research studies,
- Influence the creation of responsible public policy in healthcare, and
- Help the people they serve to make healthcare choices based on the best available evidence.
Student opinion:
Well thought out and useful. Provides a basic overview. 3 out of 5
Understanding Evidence-based Healthcare: A Foundation for Action – Course for Physicians [Internet]. US Cochrane Center; [updated 17 February 2012; cited 15 January 2013]. Available from: http://us.cochrane.org/understanding-evidence-based-healthcare-foundation-action-%E2%80%93-course-physicians