Shared Decision Making resource centre: case studies
Posted on 2nd April 2013 by Adrija Datta

This webpage is based on case studies which describe the process of shared decision making cases in urology, breast care, in learning about patients’ values in primary care and the changing attitude in communication between health care staff and patients. The process involves informing patients about the choice of treatment options available to them, facilitating to reach a safe option for them with the help of an Option Grid to set out the pros and cons of each treatment option.
Student Opinion:
This is an excellent resource as it focuses on individual cases and how shared decision making takes into concern patients’ values and treatment options available and the pros and cons of each. I would like to score it 4 out of 5!
[1] Case Studies [Internet]. The Health Foundation: Shared Decision Making Resource Centre; 2012 [cited 2 April 2013]. Available from:[0]=field_area_of_care%3A320&f[1]=field_resource_type%3A342