Evidence-based clinical decisions: what do patients want?
Posted on 6th June 2013 by Alice Buchan
This slideshow looks at how the evidence can be applied in practice, taking into consideration a variety of other factors, particularly the wishes and decisions of the patient.
This is largely aimed at clinicians, but medical students are also likely to find this a useful insight into clinical decision-making.
This slideshow uses the case of an elderly man at otherwise low stroke risk, but who is terrified of having a stroke, and in this context looks at the evidence for the risks and benefits of anticoagulant therapy, as well as how that intersects with a variety of other factors at the health policy level.
My Opinion
I liked the use of a case study to illustrate some of the issues that can be encountered when trying to practice EBM, and thought that this illustrated nicely that the evidence-based decision isn’t necessarily always the ‘right’ one for the individual patient.
Haynes B. EB clinical decisions: what do patients want? Slides from a talk given in 2004. Available here: http://ebm.bmj.com/content/8/1/suppl/DC3
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