Library: Evidence-based nursing resources
Posted on 9th March 2017 by Selena Ryan-Vig

This page features links to various resources related to evidence-based nursing and will be continually updated. Please get in touch if you’ve come across any handy resources you think should be included here. If you can’t find what you are looking for on this page, please visit our main library, which features many additional resources. The resources in our main library are more general than the resources on this page, and should be useful to you whatever subject you study.
On this page, you will find…
Introductions and overviews of evidence-based nursing
‘Research made simple’ tutorials
Blogs, images and videos
Study skills and revision aids
Point-of-care tools
Databases and tools to assist with searching for research
Additional evidence-based nursing journals
Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step
A collection of articles which aims to give nurses and student nurses the knowledge and skills they need to implement evidence-based practice (EBP) one step at a time, from: 1) developing & searching the clinical question; 2) critical appraisal of the evidence; 3) implementation; 4) disseminating the evidence & sustaining the change.
Evidence-based nursing LibGuide
A comprehensive library guide providing definitions of evidence-based nursing as well as a variety of resources and tools.
Nursing evidence-based practice tutorial
A tutorial designed to give nurses the foundations of evidence-based practice.
Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN) from the RCNi and BMJ
Summarises high-quality nursing evidence from a wide range of journals, focusing on papers’ key findings and implications for clinical practice.
Study design & methodology
Blinding: an essential component in decreasing risk of bias in experimental designs
Using observational research to obtain a picture of nursing practice
Service evaluation, audit and research: what is the difference?
Statistics, data analysis & interpretation
Which statistical tests should I use?
What is a p value and what does it mean? (for a more in-depth, critical discussion see: Toward Evidence-Based Medical Statistics. 1: The P Value Fallacy)
What is a confidence interval (CI)?
Hypothesis testing and p values: how to interpret results and reach the right conclusions
What is an Odds Ratio? What does it mean?
Bias, validity & reliability & ethics
Validity and reliability in quantitative studies
Ethical context of nursing research
Qualitative research
Qualitative data analysis: a practical example
What is a qualitative synthesis?
Issues of validity and reliability in qualitative research
Social media and research
Social media: the relevance for research
Nursing Times
Leading source of nursing news and best practice in the UK, and includes student nurse blogs.
Evidence-based nursing blog from the BMJ
Analysis and discussion of developments in Evidence-Based Nursing.
Evidently Cochrane
Cochrane Reviews are systematic reviews of primary research in health care and health policy, and are internationally recognised as the highest standard in evidence-based health care. Evidently Cochrane is a blog which aims to make Cochrane evidence really accessible.
It features a series of blogs specifically for nurses: ‘Evidence for Everyday Nursing‘
It also features an ‘Understanding Evidence‘ series to help you make sense of evidence
Cochrane blogshots and vlogshots
These are a way of giving Cochrane evidence in an image (‘blogshot’) or a video (‘vlogshot’). There’s an ‘Evidence for Everyday Nursing’ series and the link to the full review is always given so you can go into more detail if you want to.
Follow Cochrane UK on Twitter and Facebook for the latest blogs, blogshots and vlogshots. See some examples below:
Replacing peripheral venous catheters: have you ditched the routine?
For more on pressure ulcers, see: ‘Preventing and treating pressure ulcers: evidence review‘ from Sarah Chapman (2017), the Editor of Evidently Cochrane (requires a subscription).
A website featuring a library of quizzes and study tips.
Nursing Study Stack Interactive Flashcards
Online revision cards for many different clinical topics.
Learning Nurse
Over 150 free nursing quizzes to test your knowledge on various topics from medication administration to anatomy.
Clinical Key
Provides evidence-based content to help nurses find answers to clinical questions at the point of care.
An evidence-based point of care resource. (A free mobile app is also available for iPhones, iPads, Androids, and Windows 8 devices).
NIHR Dissemination Centre Discover Portal
NIHR Signals provide concise summaries of the latest important health research evidence.
Cochrane Library
A collection of databases containing different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, including Cochrane Reviews.
PubMed for nurses
Videos, designed specifically for nurses, providing an introduction to searching literature for in PubMed.
Virginia Henderson Nursing Library
Free access to nursing research & evidence-based information.
CINAHL Databases (requires a subscription)
CINAHL provides coverage for more than 4,000 journals, and provides additional nursing and allied health research material including books, evidence-based care sheets and quick lesson disease overviews.
Nursing and Allied Health Database (requires a subscription)
Features core titles from leading academic publishers, plus instructional videos and more.
Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence. Plus, when you register to blog for Students 4 Best Evidence, you get free access to the premium version of Trip.
NICE Health Databases Advanced Search (HDAS)
Allows you to search for evidence across multiple databases (if you are logged in) or in PubMed (if you are not logged in).
A series of help videos have been created to give you guide to using HDAS.
Biological Research for Nursing
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Research in Nursing and Health
Western Journal of Nursing Research
Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing
British Journal of Community Nursing