S4BE Journal Club: Richard Lehman’s Reviews
Posted on 2nd September 2014 by Ammar Sabouni

Richard Lehman is a brilliant academic primary care physician who writes a weekly review of all the big journals; it gets published on The BMJ website and is a delight to read.
A number of our star bloggers (Pishoy, Nathan, Norah and Yamama) have taken the time to go over the reviews and pick a bite-size portion for us students, written in student-friendly language and published here!
That’s not to say the original reviews are technically worded, but these versions might be a bit easier for students just getting started in the health sciences to understand. Also, if you’re a patient then I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading this as well.
You’ll also find the link to the relevant review at the bottom of each blog and I strongly urge you to give them a go if you have the time. They are definitely worth a read if you ask me.
Richard is on twitter @RichardLehman1 and so are we @Students4BE. Be sure to tell us what you think or post your questions and our brilliant bloggers will get back to you!
We’ll keep updating the list here with our blogs. We have four to start and Richard has beaten us by two. So we’ll have a couple more out for you in the coming weeks. Enjoy!
Norah’s: Psoriasis, Breast Cancer and Infertility (14th July 2014)
Nathan’s: Cholesterol, Surrogate Outcomes and Real World Outcomes (21st July 2014)
Yamama’s: Antiphospholipid $, DVT, and Self-Evident Facts! (28th July 2014)
Pishoy’s: Malaria, Cambodian Mines, and Communication Barriers (4th August 2014)
Pishoy’s: BCG Vaccine and Breast Cancer Genes (11th August 2014)
Nathan’s: Bisphophonates, breast cancer & confounding (18th August 2014)
Norah’s: RSV, unnecessary interventions, weight loss and deadly drugs. (1st September 2014)
Yamama’s: Sham Devices and Placebo’s (8th September 2014)
Nathan’s: childhood mortality and type 2 diabetes (15th September 2014)
Pishoy’s: rethinking clinical management: kidney stones & heart attacks (22nd September 2014)
Robert’s: Pragmatic Studies in COPD and Parkinson’s (29th September 2014)
Pishoy’s: The Start of the Ebola Outbreak (3rd November 2014)
Update: 23rd November 2014
I’m back at university but I’m still updating this list with what our star bloggers have to offer. New to Richard’s Reviews is Robert from Oxford; read his COPD and Parkinson’s blog. Also be sure to have a look at Pishoy’s piece on Ebola, a lot of work went into it and it is well worth the read.
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