Making sense of the evidence with randomized controlled trials
Posted on 4th February 2013 by Jamie Loan

This is a PDF file of a PowerPoint presentation that emphasises the importance of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and subsequent meta-analysis in evidence-based medicine. It gives four real-life examples of situations where equipoise in clinical decision-making has demanded an RCT and the outcome has influenced practice. It then briefly explains the importance of randomization and allocation concealment.
Student opinion:
2 out of 5
I gave this a low score because of the limited utility of this resource. A PowerPoint without the accompanying oral presentation does not make lots of sense and important detail is missed out. Further, this is quite a basic resource aimed at laypeople and so is perhaps “preaching to the converted” when read by users of this website.
However, it may well be of use if you have to prepare a presentation for a group of laypeople/beginners by providing entertaining examples.
Burls A, Cabello J, Emparanza J, Gyte G. Making sense of the evidence – a workshop for consumers [Internet, PDF]. CASP-UK, Cochrane Consumer Network; 2011 [cited 4 February 2013]. Available from: