The challenges facing the Cochrane Collaboration over the next 20 years
Posted on 3rd April 2013 by HollyMillward

The Cochrane Collaboration is one of those organisations that is looking to see how it can stay useful and relevant in the long term.This video of the Closing Plenary [1] from the Cochrane UK & Ireland 21st Anniversary Symposium held in Oxford in March 2013 addressing just that issue.
Dr Ben Goldacre, prize-winning science journalist and author of what will undoubtedly be his second best-seller “Bad Pharma”. As someone who is intimately familiar with the best and worst of clinical trials and the value of high quality systematic reviews, Ben was asked to offer his view of the challenges facing the Collaboration in the next 20 years. In response, David Tovey (Editor-in-chief) and Mark Wilson (Chief Executive Officer) of The Cochrane Collaboration will respond with their vision of the years ahead and how the challenges outlined during the meeting might best be met.
[1] Goldacre B, Tovey D, Wilson M, Burton M. Closing Plenary, Cochrane UK & Ireland 21st Anniversary Symposium [Internet, Video]. Youtube, UK Cochrane Centre; 22 March 2013 [cited 3 April 2013]. Available from: