EQUATOR (Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research)
Posted on 3rd January 2014 by Ashline Amilcar

What is it?
EQUATOR is an initiative to improve quality of research reports. They collect many resources on their website. There are also many guidelines on how to report different study designs. The website shows a recap box of the main guidelines, you can then go to the full text of the one that interests you. You can also find: links about general topics in health research, latest news about medical publishing, training, events etc…
Who is it aimed at?
EQUATOR is helpul for anyone interested in publishing or promoting high quality health reports. The resources available are for people involved in health publishing categorized by groups: for authors, editors, developers, librarians or teachers. The website is also available in spanish.
How much time?
It can take you about 30 minutes to familiarize with the entire home page, and then 5 minutes to find any resource that you need.
Scientific writing and publishing are not easy tasks and inadequacy of health care research reporting is a common problem that seriously affects EBM. I think that EQUATOR provides lots of help, collecting resources about publishing methods in the same place. The website is really easy to use. I really like the fact that the tools were not only for the author or writer, but all the publishing team. So, let´s enjoy EQUATOR!
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