PubMed Health: a review
PubMed Health – a good place to start your search for health-based evidence
PubMed Health – a good place to start your search for health-based evidence
An apple a day may not be enough to keep the doctor away, but half an hour of exercise really could. Find out why not enough is done to promote exercise as medicine despite the evidence.
Want to know what PICO stands for and how to use it? You’ve come to the right place.
Abu discusses the evidence behind hypnosis.
Want to find out how to evaluate a randomised controlled trial? This is the perfect resource for you, brought to you by CASP Tools.
Want to find out more about treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Here, the PACE trial for CFS is evaluated using the CASP Tools for Randomised Controlled Trials.
The QMP Medical Statistics tutorial that is designed to show you how to apply evidence-based medicine to clinical practice in a practical and logical manner.
Statistically funny – the blog that combines cartoons, humour, and demystifying evidence-based medicine.
Find out how you can use Twitter to find out the latest healthcare-related information.
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Another 20 minute tutorial from Tim.
The nuts and bolts 20 minute tutorial from Tim.
This new webpage from Cochrane UK is aimed at students of all ages. What is evidence-based practice? What is ‘best available research evidence’? Which resources will help you understand evidence and evidence-based practice, and search for evidence?